Business entity required documentation
Your time is valuable. This simple guide will help you determine the documents you need to open an account.

Sole proprietorship
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Unincorporated association account
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Limited liability company (LLC) or professional limited liability company (PLLC)
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The above information is general in nature and may change at any time. A business may be asked for additional or different information in order to open an account.
Use of online or other electronic services may require specific hardware and software and your agreement to certain terms and conditions. Access is subject to the availability of the internet, cellphone and network coverage and plans, and typical service interruptions stemming from your providers or the credit union’s providers.
Membership required.
Sole proprietorship
- Certificate of Assumed Name or Minnesota Secretary of State record stating the assumed name
- Minnesota Secretary of State record showing that the business is registered and active
- Copy of licenses or permits to conduct business, if applicable
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (often the social security number of the owner)
- Resolution of Authority provided by the entity or using the Members Cooperative Credit Union Corporate Authorization Resolution
- Certificate of Assumed Name or Minnesota Secretary of State record stating the assumed name
- Minnesota Secretary of State record showing that the business is registered and active
- Copy of licenses or permits to conduct business, if applicable
- IRS EIN Letter
- Resolution of Authority provided by the entity or using the Members Cooperative Credit Union Corporate Authorization Resolution
- Filed copy of the Articles of Incorporation and/or Bylaws
- Certification of Beneficial Owner(s)
- Certificate of Assumed Name or Minnesota Secretary of State record stating the assumed name
- Minnesota Secretary of State record showing that the business is registered and active
- Copy of licenses or permits to conduct business, if applicable
- IRS EIN Letter
- Resolution of Authority provided by the entity or using the Members Cooperative Credit Union Corporate Authorization Resolution
- Partnership Agreement
- Certification of Beneficial Owner(s)
- Certificate of Assumed Name or Minnesota Secretary of State record stating the assumed name, if applicable
- Minnesota Secretary of State record showing that the business is registered and active
- Copy of licenses or permits to conduct business, if applicable
- IRS EIN Letter or TIN for sole member LLC
- Resolution of Authority provided by the entity or using the Members Cooperative Credit Union Corporate Authorization Resolution
- Filed copy of the Articles of Organization
- Certification of Beneficial Owner(s)
Unincorporated association account
- Minutes or a letter signed by two officers/members of the group authorizing a banking relationship
- Certificate of Assumed Name or state nameholder registration, if applicable
- IRS EIN Letter
- Resolution of Authority provided by the entity or using the Members Cooperative Credit Union Corporate Authorization Resolution
- Bylaws, if available
- Copy of licenses or permits to conduct business, if applicable
- Proof of nonprofit status, if applicable
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